Woohoo! Next game is on the way! This time I've teamed up a well known artist, Gonzo! The man behind the amazing art in Toss the Turtle, Rufus the Demon, Fatherly Bonds and other sick animation/games. He's settled for using me as a coder for his next idea, Red Dragon's Orgy.
Regardless, the game so far in my opinion is pretty sick. Gonzo has been amazing with art and I've been slowly but surely keeping up. xD. Now then, it's not to say that we didn't have our disagreements (Fights because I got lazy and depressed which you shouldn't worry about) but all in all we're friends.
Now then, I don't feel at liberty to say anything about the game because I have not yet talked to Gonzo about what we will tell everyone, but as you can see on his post (Link) we have made some amazing things together.
His preloader screenshot can tell you alot about the game. The loading bar will be to the right side of the screen in the blank area.
And yes, it has been in production since September, but in all fairness Gonzo shouldn't have compared it to Toss the Turtle. This game is much, MUCH, bigger and a great deal harder to code. Haha.
Anyway, I hope you guys will be pleased and offer me a few words of motivational advice. :D
Awesome, I think I speak for everyone when I say we all think it'll be great and can't wait for release!
Thank you everyone.